3 – Mandla’s Day 2022
Mandla, a former student of Ecole Saint Paul, was a 12 years old princess who left us due to a tragic accident. Mandla (Mandy) was sweet, smart, sensible, respectful, funny, caring, humble, intelligent and full of energy and above all she loved to uplift others and give back to the community. Mandla dreamed of being a mom of 4 and wanted to be a doctor. Mandla had an extraordinary impact on everyone she knew.
How was Mandy at ESP celebrated?
-On March 22, students are asked to wear her favourite colours, pink and yellow
-The teachers talked to their students about Mandla and as a class or as individuals could find ways to spread this kindness
-On the announcements we played her favourite songs: Lost Boy and Ocean Eyes
-We set up a graffiti wall/ photo booth something like this…. “Mandla’s Angel Wings”, there will be markers there, students can do graffiti style to add nice sayings/ examples of random acts of kindness, (for example “smile”), if you want you can have your students pose with the wings for a picture.