
every post related to the family will be shown here.

From Tata Carole

Mandla, Mandy,  Notre premiere monsieur Luc, j ai tellement mal quand je pense que je dois ecrire ses mots pour me rememorer ta presence dans notre vie. Je me refuse d’ecrire ces mots car c’est comme si j’ acceptais de te laisser partir   . J’ai tres mal, et regrette beaucoup de n’avoir pas eu la

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From Tata Vivi

My Beautiful Great Mandla💝 She was unique, such a ball of energy as a child – so independent – such a big vocabulary ambitious smart pretty loving and caring. She had much to live but fate had decided otherwise. She had such a good frame of mind. I am so grateful that l had the

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From Mlaika

Mandla was my greatest friend and I love her so much. We had so many great memories but some of my favourites were right before she left. Like when drove all the way to San Francisco and we visited the Golden Gate Bridge. Even before that we had our cousins come over and we had

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From Orlane

My thingy 𝒪𝓇𝓁𝒶𝓃ℯ: Memories I remember of 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕒 was when me and my sister went to Fort McMurray to visit them, we went to the mall and to me it was the most fun day of my life because we went shopping all together and bought matching shirts (𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕕𝕝𝕒 got the Motorsport shirt) I got

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From Tata Carole

Je me souviens de Mandy quand elle etait ici en 2017 au mariage de Naa.  Mandy etait tres responsable, Les responsabilités et Les taches qu‘ Elle faisait etaient pour elle quelquechose de normal.  Les autres passaient toujours avant elle. Et c etait avec plaisir. Une petite Maman Mandy. J ai egalement le dernier message qu‘

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