Our Foundation
Our primary goal is to provide help and alleviate the suffering anywhere we can, in our community and everywhere else.
Then with the proclamation received on Mandla’s Day, we aim to involve youth in community service and social activism. It’s important that the youth be inspired by their peers and work to promote a friendly and inclusive environment among themselves with Mandla’s motto which is ” It’s a great day to be a great person”.
This is the reason why we are working with vulnerable groups which include:
1. Children: We are helping children in our community here in Canada but also children in and outside orphanages around the world (education costs, party bags for underprivileged children around Christmas time)
2. Youth: we are educating them about diversity and social injustice while promoting social activism
3. People experiencing homelessness (we provide meals and clothing)
4. Low income and Newcomers families ( we provide support anyway we can)
5. Natural catastrophes like Floods in our community and others by providing snacks and coloring books
6. Donations to other charities