I remember being at Merc 3 years ago and they were hosting the district Science Fair that year. I remember seeing Mandla come in with her Project, and she was smiling ear-to-ear. She was SO proud that she got to come even though she wasn’t in Grade 5 or 6. For the life of me, I can’t remember what the project was. She always took such pride in all of her work. Mandla was always striving to do the best that she could. I remember trying to praise her work, however, she was only interested in what she could change to make it better. She ALWAYS strived to do her best. I only ever taught her science for one year. Mandla loved to think outside the box and her peers would literally line-up to work with her when we were doing group work. She would get so stressed out with choosing partners that she would often ask to complete things on her own; though I’m certain that it was also because of always clear vision of how things “SHOULD” be. always helpful, always kind, always hard working. There simply aren’t enough adjectives to describe a person as wonderful as her.
Andrew Munro
Grade 5
École St. Paul School