From Joanna

I don’t have one specific memory of Mandla that stands out in my mind. I started at Ecole St  Paul when Mandla was in grade 3.  From the first year it was evident that Mandla and Mlaika were best friends, inseparable. Mandla was an exceptional student and even a better human. She was involved in everything and let nothing hold her back. If you showed her picture to any student in the school I’m sure they would recognize her. She was a true leader…choir, after school music, basketball, milk leader, lunch monitor, black history assembly, leadership assembly participant. Anything that was asked of Mandla she jumped right in. Michel, Mireille, Mlaika and Mbwani, my wish for you is that God gives you the strength to continue.  If he leads you to it, he will lead you through it.  Nothing anyone can say will make this make sense or make it any easier.  I just want you all to know that you have love and support every step of the way. Don’t think about tomorrow, just think about today and what your next right step is.
One foot in front of the other.

Much love,

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